Over the years, United Airlines authorized various book projects tracing the history of United and its predecessor companies. Those books are:
Title: The Age of Flight
Authors: David Fisher and William Garvey
Copyright: November 2001
Publisher: Pace Communications
Photo Illustrated
Hardcover – 264 pages
ISBN: 0-9667061-1-0
Subject: United Airlines - A history of America’s pioneering airline To learn more and purchase a copy go to: http://www.randyjohnsonbooks.com/age.htm
Title:Of Magic Sails(Out of print)
Author: Barbara Bean
Copyright: 1975
Publisher: Graphic Alliance, Chicago
Photo Illustrated
Hardcover: 113 pages
ISBN: 0-915174-02-2
Subject: A Photographic History of Air Travel, 1926-1976
Title: Airway One (Out of print) Author: Robert E. Johnson (Research-Adrian Delfino)
Copyright: 1974
Photo Illustrated
Publisher: United Airlines Inc.
Photo Illustrated
Hardcover: 208 pages
ISBN Number: 0915174014 / 9780915174010
Subject: A narrative of United Airlines and its leaders
Title: Pat Patterson (Out of print)
Author: Frank J. Taylor
Copyright: 1967
Publisher: United Air Lines
Sketch Illustrated
Subject: Traces the life of United Air Lines’ President, William A. (Pat) Patterson
Title: High Horizons (Out of print)
Author: Frank J. Taylor
Copyright: 1951 and it was reprinted and updated a number of times through the early 1960s
Publisher: McGraw Hill Book Company.
Photo illustrated
Hardcover: 198 pages.
Subject: History of United Air Lines and its predecessor companies (Varney, Boeing Air Transport, National Air Transport and Pacific Air Transport.)