Retiree organizations of workers from United Airlines who support the UAHF mission have created alliances with the Foundation.  The Retiree Association of Flight Attendants-Communication Workers of America (RAFA); Clipped WingsŪ United Airlines Stewardess Alumnae and Flight Attendants, Inc.; the International Association of Machinists and Aerospace Workers Local Lodge 1781 Retirees Association at SFO; the Retired United Pilots Association and the Retired United Airlines Employees Association are now UAHF Alliance affiliate organizations.



Retiree Association of Flight Attendants

A Strong Voice of Advocacy for Retired Flight Attendants


RAFA Origins:  The first generation of retired long term, career Flight Attendants faced ongoing restructuring and bankruptcy from their former airline employers in the first decade of the 21st century.  Flight Attendant retirees from San Francisco and Los Angeles quickly formed retiree networks in 2004 to work together to help save negotiated health care provisions and pensions.  The Association of Flight Attendants solicited retirees to help form an alliance to negotiate with other retirees to reach an agreement to protect health care benefits.


RAFA Today:  RAFA is a rapidly growing organization of nearly 1500 retired Flight Attendants worldwide.  Local councils meet quarterly, in addition to fundraising meetings and social gatherings.  Local councils determine their participation in legislative, social and outreach organizations.  Elections are by direct membership vote.  Local presidents form the Executive Board.


Membership is open to former Flight Attendants and a special category of associate membership is available to relatives and supporters.  Membership fees are modest.


RAFA Goals:  The purpose of RAFA is to unite retired members into a cohesive organization to advocate for retiree and pre-retiree needs by organizing and participating in legislative, educational, civil, social, and economic and community activities.  Members review and share information, and support programs that affect their well-being including health care, transportation benefits and pensions.  RAFA promotes participation in policy debates and awareness of current legislation at local, state, national and international levels of government.


Alliances:  Alliance Coalition of the United Airlines Historical Foundation and Alliance for Retired Americans.


Community Projects:  RAFA officers and representatives participate in legislative conferences at Federal and State levels.  Actions include lobbying, leafleting and testifying for the well-being of retirees and pre-retirees.  Fundraiser events for projects include memorial tributes to airline crews who gave their lives on 9/11, participation in the Revlon Run/Walk for Women’s Health to raise funds to fight women’s cancer and promoting historical foundations.


Publications and Communications:  Electronic updates to members, supporters and interested organizations include presidents’ letters, minutes, announcements and social/legislative/economic news specific to retirees.


Web Site:


Clipped Wings


Clipped WingsŪ

United Airlines Stewardess Alumnae and Flight Attendants, Inc.


Founded:  1941


Purpose:  The purpose of Clipped WingsŪ is to support Special Olympics and other philanthropic projects as well as to maintain a social network of friendships among former and current flight attendants. It is a nonprofit 501(c) (3), nonpolitical, noncommercial, nonsectarian and nonpartisan organization.


Membership:  1,300. Membership is open to all United Airlines Stewardesses, Capital Airlines Hostesses, and former and current United Airlines Flight Attendants, and all flight attendants from airlines that have merged with United and Continental.  The membership year is from October 1 – September 30.  The five National Officers are President, Vice President, Secretary, Treasurer and Editor.


Chapters:  There are currently 30 chapters in 20 states and the District of Columbia.  This includes a Members-at-Large Chapter, which offers membership to those residing anywhere in the world.


Meetings:  A National Biennial Convention is held in September of every even-numbered year.  Local chapter meetings vary among the various chapters, but most meet on a monthly basis.


Alliances:  United Airlines Historical Foundation


Community Projects:  Local chapters support many different charities in their communities (see our web site for a partial listing).  Nationally, Clipped WingsŪ supports its main charities Special Olympics, Flight 93 Memorial and the UAHF.


Publications:  The Clipped WingsŪ Quarterly newsletter is mailed four times a year to all members, a National Roster and Bylaws is mailed once every two years to all members; and a monthly President’s Letter is mailed electronically to all National Officers, Chapters Presidents and National Chairmen and is also posted on the Clipped WingsŪ website.


Web Site:

International Association of Machinists and Aerospace Workers


International Association of Machinists and Aerospace Workers

Local Lodge 1781 Retirees Association


Founded:  1983


Purpose:  The main goals of the IAM Local Lodge 1781 Retirees Association are to enhance the well-being of its members though social and educational forums and events.


Membership:  200+.  Open membership to retired IAM members and family and friends of the Association.  The Executive Board is the governing body.  Elections are by direct membership vote and Committees are formed by the Executive Board.


Chapters/Clubs:  One chapter is headquartered at IAM Hall in Burlingame, California.


Meetings:  Monthly membership and executive board meetings are held.  One annual picnic gathering is sponsored.


Alliances:  United Airlines Historical Foundation, California Alliance for Retired Americans and Alliance for Retired Americans (CARA and ARA), Congress of California Seniors.


Community Projects:  Members work during a monthly three day preparation of food distribution sacks for unemployed workers and families through the San Mateo County Central Labor Council (AFL-CIO).  Members participate in a wide range of social, political, educational and economic issues that are of concern to its members.


Publications:  Trade Winds newspaper from IAM Local 1781 carries IAM retiree news.






Retired United Airlines Employees’ Association

What is RUAEA?


Founded:  1975


RUAEA is the Retired United Airlines Employees Association.  It is made up of former employees of United Airlines, Continental Airlines and their subsidiaries.  It was organized to maintain friendships between retired co-workers and to develop new friendships among retirees and it serves as the proactive voice for their interests, issues and causes.  The primary activities of the organization are the publication of a monthly newsletter (paper and online), and the organization of a yearly national convention.  On a local level, the organization is made up of chapters located wherever United Airlines retirees are located.


Membership:  As of February 24, 2014 the current RUAEA membership is 6,527.  Former members of United Airlines, Continental and their subsidiaries may become regular members.  Widows or widowers of deceased regular members may become associate members.


The RUAEA Executive Board consists of six officers,(President, Executive VP, Secretary, VP-Conventions, Treasurer, Past President), five Nominating Committee Members, ten Regional Directors, a Membership Manager and seven assistants, two Newsletter Managers, two Website Managers, three Convention Committee members, two Audit Committee members, one Headquarters Liaison, one Airline Liaison, one President of UAHF, and one Board Consultant member.


Chapters:  RUAEA currently has 61 chapters in 26 states including Alabama, Arizona, Arkansas, California, Colorado, Florida, Georgia, Hawaii, Idaho, Illinois, Indiana, Massachusetts, Michigan, Minnesota, Nebraska, Nevada, New Jersey, New York, Ohio, Oregon, Pennsylvania, Tennessee, Utah, Virginia, and Washington.


Meetings:  The RUAEA Executive Board meets three times a year and the full membership meets annually at the national convention.


Alliances:  Clipped Wings, United Airlines Historical Foundation


Community Projects:  Most local chapters support charities and host events within their areas.


Publications:  The RUAEA Newsletter is a monthly publication available to members via U.S. Mail, online from the organizations website, or both.


Web Site:




Retired United Pilots Association



Founded:  1963


Purpose:  The purpose of the RUPA organization is to enhance the welfare of and to maintain the friendships and association of its members.  This is accomplished by organizing and holding periodic luncheons, dinners, cruises, social events, and conventions.  RUPA is a tax-exempt organization.


Membership:  Retired or active UAL pilots, or predecessor companies are eligible for membership.  Active UAL pilots will be associate members and enjoy all rights and privileges except voting rights.  In addition, any retired UAL Flight Operations employee may be considered, at a regular meeting, for membership.  RUPA national officers consist of President, Vice President, Secretary-Treasurer, which form the Executive Committee.  The Board of Directors consists of the three Executive Board Members and Past Presidents of RUPA.


Chapters:  There are currently 26 informal groups meeting in various locations with varying attendance, dates, and times.  Chapters are located in Arizona, California, Colorado, Florida, Hawaii, Illinois, Nevada, New York, Ohio, Oregon, Washington, and Washington, D.C.


Meetings:  Meetings vary with each local group from monthly to bi-monthly, quarterly, semiannually, and annually.


Alliances:  United Airlines Historical Foundation


Publications:  RUPANEWS, Journal of the Retired United Pilots Association is published monthly (except January) and is also available to its members via email.


Web Site: